Thursday, 1 July 2010

In the end of the beginning

Well, the end is really just the beginning.

After much, unnecessary, ummming and aahhing on my part I joined forces with Marcia from my Saturday knitting group or rather she joined forces with me. I know from bitter experience that I'm not easy to work with, I very much know exactly what I want to do and how I want to do it, and I don't find it that easy to work with other people. But this stall is meant to be about having fun and I thought it will be more fun if I'm not doing it on my own. Who knows, we may in time be joined by others.

Anyway, my house is now a mess again because we have NO storage space for our normal day to day clutter let alone a whole load of new stall stuff.

Still it felt good to have made the decisions about the initial order and to receiving boxes of stunning wools and cottons. The first order I made was the Rico Essentials Cotton DK (which has gone down a storm) and for that I had a rep come to visit me. I couldn't help feeling nervous and giggling to myself before he arrived but it was all fine, down to business straight away and very interesting.

Our first market day, May 22nd, was one of the first gloriously sunny days we'd had this year in London, great for getting people out and about not so great for getting people in the mood for buying wool perhaps! As I prepared to load up my dad's car, on loan to me for not much longer now, my son fainted in a most dramatic manner - falling straight backwards - hitting the back of his head on a small chest and knocking himself unconscious. He's ok now but there was lots of blood and panic and when I finally did get off to the market worrying that his father would keep a proper eye on him and whisk him off to hospital at the slightest hint of trouble.

We had a brilliant day, it felt good to be outdoors, and we were visited by many friends and fellow knitters who sat at the side of our stall (we were lucky enough to get the corner pitch but haven't had it since) knitting and chatting and bought us cups of tea. We had lots of interest from passers by - well, there really isn't much available to the discernible knitter in these parts and all in all we had a fantastic first day.

I went home happy and exhausted and not quite ready to face an evening up at the Whittington Hospital with said son, which is how we spent our evening. Better to be safe than sorry they do say.

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